Working Toward the 500 Free with Derek Young

Derek Young, Seattle Metropolitan Aquatic Club

Senior Performance –Friday January 10, 2020 (500 freestyle)

1 x 200 (315) w/ snorkel + 12 x 50 (45) FR/BK x 25 (max UWKs) + 3 x 100 (150) kick, descend 1-3

1 x 200 (315) w/ paddle head + 4 x 100 (145) R/L/6 kick switch/swim x 25 + 6 x 50 (130) kick, fast

9 x 50 (115) deadstart sprint FR/stroke x 25 w/ fins

3 x 50 (1) drill + 1 x 50 (55) 500 pace + 2

3 x 50 (55) drill + 1 x 50 (45) 500 pace + 1

3 x 50 (50) drill + 1 x 50 (35) 500 pace

1 x 200 2ABD


6 rounds:

1 x 125 (215) red

1 x 50 (50) 500 pace

1 x 25 (45) easy (+1 x 25 each round)


3 x 150 (3) FR, FR/BK x 75, BK x 150


Broken “500” as

                100 + 50 + 100 + 50 + 100 w/ personalized rest


1 x 200 social kick w/ friends


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